Providing Elevation Opportunities from Lowest Level to the Highest

A System That Saves


I thought about adding some thoughts on yesterday’s blog about saving the important emails and letters you receive, but my wife cautioned me not to because it would be contradictory and detract from the point I was making. As usual she was right, and I decided to wait till the next day to be a hypocrite. (Boy, I can’t wait to write on hypocrisy, especially mine!)

Obviously since I’m doing this web-log, I believe in hanging on to some things, and if you visited my “man cave” down stairs, you would see the stuff I need to throw out of my closet. If I showed you my desk you’d probably start to question if I practice what I preach! Most days my email inbox is the same way, unless I have recently made the time to go on a deleting spree (like today)… But, of course, I DO think there are messages worth saving so I can draw on them for encouragement, or share them with someone else someday. I probably could use a better system of doing so however. Mail box folders & .pst files are good, but I just haven’t developed the discipline with that system to keep the inbox clean…

As I closed yesterday I mentioned how God deletes our sins, but I wanted to point out today what He does with our lives. (see Psalm 56:8) The wording of “The Message” really resonates with me: “You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered into Your ledger, each ache written in Your book.” the NKJV says “put my tears in Your bottle”.

Not only does Jesus Save our lives (see Titus 3:5), but our Father also keeps a record of our pain, and I believe as we pray, there are bowls of incensed being filled in heaven, just like Revelation 5:8 says.

So while my system definitely needs some work, as evidenced by all the clutter, there’s one system that’s perfect, created by the One who lived perfectly, and His is a system that saves!

This is the Good News!!! Please tell somebody who needs to hear it!

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