Providing Elevation Opportunities from Lowest Level to the Highest

Archive for August 26, 2011


So here it is, the one you all have been waiting for! Boy is this going to be fun!!! But first a question: Why is it so easy for people, particularly Christians, to admit they’re “sinners” but so hard for them to acknowledge their hypocrisy ? And here’s secondary question: Why do those who aren’t Christians prefer to blame other people for hypocrisy but usually deny the even the term “sinner.”

It’s a tough subject; rather controversial. I think asking questions like that is a good way to raise tempers and make people not want to talk to you for a while for sure.

One of my favorite movies is “Tombstone,” and Doc Holliday is classic. He constantly calls himself a hypocrite, at one point admitting that it “knows no bounds.” But at the end of the movie, on his death bed, he also says the line I like best, “My hypocrisy only goes so far.” I think this transparency is refreshing and probably causes lots of people to like the guy. You see, understanding that you don’t always do what you say you want to do is an important first step to actually doing something to change your ways.

Another great line comes from Zig Ziglar who says that when he asks people to go to church with him, they respond, “I don’t want to go to church, there’s nothing but hypocrites there,” to which Zig replies, “That’s alright, we got room for one more!”

The bottom line is that EVERYBODY does things that are contrary to what they say, we just call their hypocrisy by another name:”they have issues,” “they made a mistake,” “they need help.” Whatever you want to label it, they’re all the same: saying one thing, doing another… It’s called hypocrisy.

Even the Apostle Paul experienced this in Romans 7, and wrote about it so all of us hypocrites wouldn’t feel alone. And there was an answer to the struggle too: to thank God, through Jesus Christ, that the hypocrisy will only go so far as long as I’m lining up my life with what’s written in the Bible. That’s a paraphrase of course. Biblical scholars can do better than me, I’m sure, but it’s how I remember to keep pressing into the Scriptures! Transformation is really possible by reading, and applying what is written in there. We can’t only be hearers… we have to be doers!

So whether you’re hypocrisy knows no bounds, or only goes so far, may the Lord help us all reject the hypocritical ways, because no body wants to be called a hypocrite, even though at some point, we all are one.


Linked verses:
Romans 12:1-2
Romans 7: 25
James 1:22

Full disclosure: I seriously thought about changing the title of this supposed to “I am a hypocrite.” Because many times my hypocrisy knows no bounds, although I say it only goes so far. One of my favorite ways to disarm an accuser is to admit this. You see, I am a bigger hypocrite because I know so clearly what I am supposed to do. But like I said, the first step to eliminating hypocrisy is to admit it. And that’s why I look forward to writing this post for all the world to see. Because just how far my hypocrisy goes gets shortened through each confession.